The Global Directory of Resources for People Professionals
Being a people professional can be hard, and not always because of the actual work.
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
* You've just been handed a project on a topic you have never covered before and don't know where to start
* You want to develop your skills and knowledge further but you already have your HR qualification, so what's next?
* You want a new role, but are tired of getting ghosted by unscrupulous recruiters
* You need specialist external expertise and would rather work with someone who comes recommended than start from scratch
* You quite fancy trying your hand at HR Consultancy but have no idea how to go about it
* Your CEO has read about a new HR trend you have no experience with
* It sometimes feels like no one really understands what you do
* You would love to connect with more fellow HR professionals but don't have time to find ways to do so
* You don't want to reinvent the wheel and wish you had access to things you had worked on in previous roles
* Who the heck are you supposed to talk to about your career if you're the most senior, or a standalone, HR resource?
* You want to move on from your current organisation, but don't know what you want to do next
* You'd love to work with a coach or mentor, but wouldn't have a clue where to start looking for someone
At various points in your career, many of you will have experienced some or all of the above.
The Evolving HR Directory has been created as a one stop resource to help you find the people and resources outside of your organisation that you need, WHEN you need them, without having to spend hours scouring Linked in, Google or asking others for referrals.
Our aim is very simple: We help you
"Can anyone recommend someone who....."
One of the most frequent starts to a question or post in so many HR networking groups.
We'll help you answer it.
About the Directory
Your Questions Answered
What is it?
* It's everything and everyone in one place that you might need for your own personal or professional development or to assist you in doing your HR role.
* Evolving HR is an app based Directory of companies and individuals who provide development, support or create community for HR professionals all over the world.
* The Directory aims to bring together everyone who offers products and services in this space globally and bring support to HR professionals as individuals or the HR profession as a whole.
What do I get?
* Access and links to over 100 individuals and businesses focused on people professionals and the people professions
* Calendar of provider events, offers and discounts and monthly newsletter updates as well as a featured interview with a provider of the month
* Access to our Facebook group
Who is it for?
* The Directory is for you if you work in any kind of HR or people role, including specialists. It's for employees, job seekers, HR consultants, fractional HR professionals, interims and contractors.
* The Directory is for you wherever you are based in the world. Our providers are international and our users are too.
Who is in it?
* The Directory features small and independent businesses and solopreneurs from all over the world
* We have people who provide or have created the following:
Coaching / Learning & Development / Mediation / Recruitment / Employee Engagement / Mentoring / CIPD Accreditation / HR Communities / Conferences / Resilience Training / Retreats / Psychometrics / Trade Union Support / Wellness / HR Tech / Stress Management / Facebook Groups / Networking Events / Leadership Development / Webinars / Outplacement / Legal Support / Psychological First Aid / Authors / Membership Groups / Clinical Supervision / Menopause Support / Newsletters / Thought Leadership / Public and Key Note Speaking / Culture Creation / Change Management and more
Why do I need it?
* If you want to develop your skills, look for a new job or hire a coach. Where do you start? You can Google it, you can trawl through Linkedin and other social media platforms and you may well find a few people who might be able to help, but it takes AGES and you have no way of knowing if they're the right people for you.
* We've taken all that effort away by featuring all of those people in one place
* Think of it as the search engine for HR
The Evolving HR App is FREE!
Interested in becoming a Provider?
If the work that you do serves to provide support, development or create community for HR professionals as individuals or the HR profession as a whole, then you could be eligible to become a provider featured in the Evolving HR Directory
Got Questions?
Contact us: mail@evolvinghrdirectory.com
©Ethica HR Ltd 2024